Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Module 2

"How can I plan ongoing student-centered assessment?

Many of us have fears of being judged. Whether this is fear of being judged too harshly or just being judged at all...this is a fear we have. It came from somewhere. Our students have it. It can appear in a variety of ways: test anxiety, stress over an assignment, not turning in assignments, focusing on non-essential details, and often choosing to not attempt a new skill at all. With all these options and more, why would any teacher feel that only one test can accurately assess anything?

Ongoing student assessment needs to be just that...on going. A teacher should evaluate a student as they begin a new subject. This could include an knowledge inventory (KWL chart or survey), participation in class discussion, or even a pre-test. During the learning process assessment is essential to both the student and the teacher. Student centered learning is not just letting students teach themselves. Assessments such as lower and higher level questioning, completion of a variety of small tasks such as research and analysis need to occur. Constant assessment during learning ensures that students are on the "right track" and can give the teacher feedback as to speed and understanding levels. The conclusion of a unit or project is the perfect time to include some cumulative assessments. Students should be able to utilizes their strengths and apply their new found learning in a way that shows not only basic comprehension but also applies what they learned to making connections. Final assessments can be the formal completion of a test or creating a portfolio or web based project. Student created wikis are great ways to showcase research projects. Students can create videos and other presentations to demonstrate their learning. Assessment doesn't always have to be a pencil and paper test.

1 comment:

  1. Well done! Your post is comprehensive and insightful related to ongoing formative assessments. You gave relevant examples to demonstrate your understanding of this topic.
